Una mujer encantadora y muy atractiva, lastima que esa cualidad de atender a otros hombres no sea valorada como debe ser. Mi esposa desde que el presidente de mi empresa en una comida de empresa conoció a mi mujer, me apartó diciéndome su interés en que mi esposa le acompañara ese fin de semana, lo hable con ella y accedimos sabiendo a qué iba. Desde entonces la invita a ella sola a fiestas que organiza donde atiende a clientes de la empresa no negándoles nada que la pidan. Por esa situación recibe una compensación económica, aparte de eso ella está encantada en acudir a esos eventos. Amazingly horny video with a very horny lady showing off that stunning body for the cameras as she's enjoying that cock and demanding cum.Only downside is that it's not my cock she's enjoying but it would certainly be available to be enjoyed in a future episode if needed. She is fucking awesome! I'd like it better if she finished you off though. I love to jerk off, but doesn't it feel so much better when you cum by anothers hand? Just my opinion, but please don't stop making videos with that wonderful woman. THAT is NOT the body of a 43 year old woman! That body is like on a 20-something year old. Fucking fantastic! I'd can't wait to see more. Especially a little hide the salami. Mmmm, delicious. I will not leave a single part of u without kissing and licking, suck your nipples and pull them with my lips, giving very special care for your sexy ass, will u let me kiss and lick it for u?
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